Tuesday, November 27, 2018

free write team 4 week 7

There I was stranded on this deserted boat, if only I was on an island with delicious fruit and a beautiful pond but I was in the middle of nowhere, there was no chance of me on an island like that. As I spin around the thunder gangs in on me,  I thought that there was no chance of me surviving. Bam bam the thunder is right on top of me then just as the thunder struck,  something was there! I wasn't alone. I look on one side then the other arrrrr what is that. Ow It was just a cute baby dolphin but it was injured omg one of its fins were ripped.Scooping it out of the water with my hands and bringing it to my chest, I grab my first aid kit and opening the zip i am looking for a bandage.  Relieved,  I put  a bandage on this baby dolphins little fin and I took it into my family.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

the math momint

we were doing maths and it was interesting because they were all different and the more you get the triker it is. =+  

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Why people litter

Why people litter
Have you seen someone litter?
Do you know why people litter?
Why do people litter Is it because they're too lazy to walk to the bin or is it because
they want the animals to die so they do it on purpose. We need to stop littering. This is
not good for our   environment or our health. What if all the fish was ikstinkd then what
wood we eat or have for a pet.

Innocent animals are being hated, child and being taken away from there family. They
do not deserve this. What if the sea treated us the way we treat them. Wewood not be
happy because wewood have plastic stuck on us oil  wood be spilled on us rubbish
wood be in the parks people wood be shot how wood we like that if that happend to us.

What about the birds they cunt fly if they have plastic around them. Birds and fish are
special and cool as well we also need them for special thing like saving us from
poisonous insects like  spiders or frogs and lots of other thing. We need animals and
animals need us.

Rite lets toke about biodiversity.  Biodiversity is mostly outside but can cum inside.
We need to prospekt our forest because animals like kiwi are losing their homes they
do not desire this like I seed before. So here's something you should do to save animals
and our world will be healthy.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Should we move to mars

Should we move to mars?
I strongly believe we should stay on earth because if we go to mars we want any food.
We will need plants but there is no ear for them to grow. There are too meaney questions
that hasn't been answered and we don't know what could happen to us.what if there was
no for fuel in the rokit. only 16 out of 39 have made it to mars so what could happen to us.
we are not going to dich all the animals on earth and go to mars.we have lived har for lots
and lots of year and we have lots of building.   

Will the alimitchonix survive on mars.it will take forever to make a rocket and how many
rockets do we need and it will be to much work and will it even work. How will the builders
build the building wotif there's something sarp and the sot has a hole. I would hate it if we
had to wear sites all the time. Also we would be risking ow lives just to go to mars. And
what if there isn't going to be a world war 3. What would happen if they followed us and
we had world war 3 happened there in mars. Earth is the only world that has gravity so we
are lucky were we are rite now.            

Sunday, July 29, 2018

math team effort

                                             it was hard and fun but also a team effort.
                                           it was an hard chuling but we did it in the end.